Our Mission

Our Mission

Mission of the organization
To rescue and to provide assistance for the sufferers’ treatment, sick and needy animals; to inform the community about the animals’ life, health and well-being protection, to protect them from any inhumane and cruel treatment, and to provide them appropriate care and living conditions.
Organizing and conducting information and prevention programs directed to women's health; projects directed to patients in Bulgaria and a healthy lifestyle; improving the interaction between civil community and health care institutions, etc.

Objectives of the organization

Animals protection and their living space, as well as investigations/researches in this sphere; nature and environment protection; informing and increasing the public awareness on the animals protection and well-being; castration and adoption programs, information and training programs; information and prevention programs against women's illnesses, especially with breast cancer and reproductive problems; protecting the rights and interests concerning the people with rare diseases, as well as any other patients in Bulgaria, and tests in this sphere; the public health culture increase, etc.