Adopting a dog or a cat or any other animal is free!
The animals are neutered/spayed or will be if not restricted by any medical reasons. According to Article 36, Paragraph 1 of the Bulgarian Law for Protection of Animals (LPA) this automatically exempts you from paying any fees. Due to article 174 of the Bulgarian Law for Veterinary and Medical Activities (LVMA) the animals have to be registered and microchipped. Article 124 of Decree 41 from the 10th of December 2008 requires those who wish to adopt a dog to sign a Declaration for Adoption.

Never forget that while we all have our work, family and friends, our dog has only us. We are everything for him or her and thus we are the only ones worth living for.
Dogs are emotional animals who are capable to express their feelings. They can feel their owner’s mood and copy his/her behavior and they create a strong emotional bond with him/her. It is no chance that dogs are human’s best friends. It is important that each animal owner is responsible to know his/her pet so as to be able to protect him/her from soul traumas and aggressive behavior.
Mental Health
We do not often speak about dogs’ mental health while it is of no less importance than their physical health. You should assure your dog’s activities, company and various games which engage his/her body as well as his/her mind. Do not leave your dog in tiny spaces (bathroom, balcony, etc.) through the whole day and do not keep him/her tied and alone in the yard!
According to the Bulgarian Law for Protection of Animals (LPA): “Animals who are raised in the open air, should be ensured with free movement, everyday walk and protection from any unfavorable atmospheric conditions.”

Why do I have to microchip my pet?
- To identify an animal who has escaped from his home, abandoned animals, animals who have been kidnapped, abused animals.
- For safety reasons regarding counterfeit and fake.
- To prove your ownership and your pet’s genealogy.
- As a requirement to travel abroad.

What does “advanced in years” mean regarding animals?
Just like as refers to humans, animals advancing in years risk more of getting various diseases. However the very nature of animals expressed by “strongest survive best” determine that ill animals do not show their weakness as long as possible. As pet owners we wish to do our best to make them live and be with us as maximum as possible. Early catching of disease symptoms can often lead to change its progress and could give our pet the chance to live longer. That is why if you have adult pets (8 years and above) we recommend that you see your vet once per six months for complete examination and blood analysis.

What is “Dirophylariosis” /”heartworm”/ ?
The dogs may reveal symptoms of the disease years after they have been infected. Until then however, heart worms are slowly injuring the lungs and the heart.
The symptoms of the disease may include weak but constant coughing, denial of movement, feebleness even after slight activity, reduced appetite, loss of weight.
Gradually the blood flow through the affected arteries is hampered more and more whereas heart failure may occur. The most often observed symptom is the collection of fluid in the abdominal cavity and swelling of the abdomen.
Provided that the number of parasites is too big, this may lead to blocking of the blood flow through the heart and the lungs, which is life-threatening and is known as kaval syndrome.
Its symptoms may include sudden hampered breathing, pale gums, dark-red or with the color of coffee urine and reluctance or impossibility to move.
Most dogs with kaval syndrome do not survive without surgical removal of the parasites.
The presence of the parasites is detected by means of blood test. Notwithstanding this however, in case of existing suspicions, additional echography examination may be required, X-ray image, or a repeated blood test.
Investigation for dirophylariosis should be conducted once a year at the beginning of each prophylaxis season (March – April) in order to make it certain that the prophylaxis has been efficient.
Sometimes it may be necessary to make more than one testing per year, provided that for example you know that you have omitted the administration of the anti-parasite agent, that you have changed the anti-parasite agent or that your dog has symptoms for dirophylariosis, heartworm.
Provided that the disease is detected at an earlier stage, the treatment can be easier and with fewer complications.
Without any treatment, the dirophylariosis state will become worse and this shall lead to serious diseases. Except if there are no medical contraindications for treatment, it should be carried out.
The treatment however, is also hiding certain risks for the dog, as the dead parasites may cause further damages of the lungs and the pulmonary arteries.
Before initiating the treatment though, a thorough examination should be conducted, together with radiography and blood tests, in order to evaluate the risk level for the dog.
The treatment lasts several months, whereas during this period the activity of the dog should be restricted /by accommodating it in a cell with the exception of taking it out for a short time/. Otherwise, there is a risk of complications or even death, because the degrading composites in the blood flow cause inflammation or clogging of the blood vessels.
Notwithstanding that the medication is very efficient against the adult forms of heart worms, some dogs may not be fully healed with only one course of treatment.
The dog should be tested for presence of heart worms 6 months after the completion of the treatment, in order to determine whether all parasites have been killed. If the test results are still positive, further treatment may turn out to be required.

Should I castrate my pet?
Most veterinarians are supporting the idea of castrating the majority of pets, which are not brought up with the aim to breed dogs. This is a result of the fact that this is an efficient and morally responsible approach for regulating the population of the homeless animals.
In addition, the castration may lead to modification in the behavior of the pets. The castrated patients are much calmer and get easily adapted in the environment in which there are pets. With the castration we bring to a minimum the risk of development of inflammatory and oncologic diseases of the ovaries, the uterus and the testicles.
The early castration of female dogs and cats diminishes the risk for development of tumors of the mammary gland to minimum.
The proper age for castration is an individual peculiarity. As for example we may point out that for the medium and big breed of dogs best time to castrate them is after the termination of the period of growth.
During a planned anaesthetized procedure for castration may be addressed a number of other problems may be addressed, such as preservation of the teeth, correction of hernia defects, radiology for inherited or acquired orthopedic problems. In the case of big dogs the castration is a moment which may be used for performing seizure of the stomach to the abdomen wall gastropexia. This is a preventive approach for diminishing the risk of scroll stomach.

Does my pet really need a vaccine?
Yes, definitely. Your pet is getting old with a much more accelerated pace than humans. This means that the immune system of the pet is also ageing very quickly. So, notwithstanding the fact that the immunity, ensured by vaccines may last many years with the humans, it is not lasting so long with our pets.
Many of the diseases, for which the vaccinated pets are very infectious and extremely serious may often be often fatal. For the contamination it is not often needed to have a direct contact among animals. The contamination with viruses and bacteria may come from contaminated grass, shoes, hands, etc.